Project: Feeling creative, I wanted to explore event design leading me to experiment with designing my own version of those fun bridal shower games to entertain guests. 
Process: Designing them in Adobe InDesign, I strategically laid them out to be visually consistent, while pasting in several drawn elements from Adobe Illustrator. 

The muted teal and ivory colours chosen for this design invoke a sense of luxury and feel soothing to look at. The consistency of colour, typography and doodles results in an overall cohesive look. 

Feeling like the game “what’s in your purse?” is a little outdated and not as relevant today, I decided to change it up to be a game related to what’s on your phone. I feel like people these days don’t carry as much in their purses as before, but this game can be just as fun when everything you need to check if you have is contained in a little box called a phone…
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